How do we belong to a damaged earth? How do we care for the earth and each other without carrying too much or perpetuating old harms? The performative piece ‘Choreographies of (be)longing’ offers a contemplative and embodied exploration of belonging: to geological structures that precede and outlast us, to the earth and it’s becoming, to time and to matter, to loss.
‘Choreographies of (be)longing’ was performed live at BAK Utrecht as part of the public event Dreaming in the Dark. The piece was created especially for the occasion as one of the artistic provocations for the Art Utopia Politics sessions that took place from the 3rd-5th of July 2024. The sessions brought together a diverse group of artist-researcher-practitioners who actively experiment with the role of creative and artistic practices in cultivating radical collective imagination and alternative forms of politics—be they disruptive, emancipatory, agonistic, speculative, or prefigurative.
The work was performed alongside the first 5 minutes of a beautiful and evocative live music set by Josie Chambers (vocals) and Noor Noor (music).
Choreographies of (be)longing – 2024, live performance with temporary sculpture, Marijke de Pous