In Alterotopia we want to nurture and celebrate creative encounters ‘that resonate against the grain’. We see creative encountering as inherently relational and generative. These qualities are built into to heart of Alterotopia’s becoming. They are giving shape to a practice of bringing forth through correspondence, attunement and thoughtful engagements. A way of thinking, feeling and seeing with others, with matter and with life.
“We long to bring forth through correspondence, attunement and thoughtful engagements, a way of thinking, feeling and seeing with others, with matter and with life.”
Taking a speculative leap ahead, we might imagine an Alterotopian approach to be about entangling our longing for and prefiguration of the otherwise, with specific places of change, soils, matters, landscapes, and temporalities. An inherently relational approach, in which strengthening the contingent ties and relations that propel us forward is of equal importance: to deepen our understanding of what is at stake and find ways to dance with the trouble together.
“while we may all ultimately be connected to one another, the specificity and proximity of connections matters – who we are bound up with and in what ways. Life and death happen inside these relationships.”
– T. van Dooren, Flight Ways.
What do we mean when we talk about thinking, feeling and making with ?