“The old world is dying, and the new world struggles to be born: now is the time of monsters”,…
Flor Avelino
When politicians and journalists fail, students and poets save the day. Yesterday, a protest against budget cuts in education…
Flor Avelino
For the Art Utopia Politics sessions held at BAK in July 2024, I was asked to create a provocation…
Marijke de Pous
* Our alter political passion is fuelled by the conviction that another world is possible. Following Ghassan Hage’s example in Alter Politics (2015), Alterotopia aims to weave oppositional concerns (anti-politics) with ‘a search for alternative modes of inhabiting and relating to the earth and each other, alternative modes of thinking and experiencing otherness’ (alter-politics).
We are writing in resonance with Rosi Braidotti’s call for an ethics of affirmation and her impassioned cry ‘for the love of the world and the hell of it’, as spoken in her valedictory lecture ‘We Are Rooted, But We Flow’ (2023)